Repose Podcast

Regular background music

1. Tight Spin / Ozric Tentacles 8:46

2. Incidental Backcloth / Pivot 7:08

3. that's just what it's for / aphilas 5:27

4. Stretched Home / The Album Leaf 5:03

5. Kaini Industries (Original By Boards of Canada) / Bibio 3:41

6. The Toy Garden / Helios 4:43

7. Burning the Black and White / The Flashbulb 2:59

8. Prayers For Rain (J. VIEWZ remix) / Bluetech 4:59

9. Vessel / Jon Hopkins 4:42

10. Sound In a Dark Room / Telefon Tel Aviv  7:48

11. A Day Between / L'altra 3:34

Direct download: 007_-_holiday_departure.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:30am AEDT

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