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Repose 051 - Royce DJ set at Renaissance Festival 2014 with Chris Psyraver

A recording of my DJ set at Renaissance Festival here in Melbourne on easter Sunday 2014. 50 mins in you'll hear my mate Chris Psyraver playing guitar over Easily Embarrassed's Mental Anguish.

1. Gentle Perception / CONNECT.OHM

2. Sunrise In Blue Skies / Benn Jordan

3. Feel The Sunrise / Seaman

4. Silhouettes (Original Mix) / State Azure

5. Wooden Little People / CYGNA

6. The Littlest Computer / Hibernation

7. Borrowing The Past / Rhian Sheehan

8. Beluga / Zen Baboon

9. Riven / AES DANA

10. Spirit Ale / Krusseldorf

11. Stokes Croft / Swarms

12. Come To Dust / Boards of Canada

13. Mental Anguish / Easily Embarrassed (with Chris Psyraver)

14. Likufanele / Zero 7

15. The Corner Of Her Eye (Canoo Bootleg Remix) / Stumbleine

16. L / Tycho

17. Airglow / Stellardrone

18. Mir50 / Subheim

19. Alone / Jaia

20. Space Probe / SiebZehN

21. Kvinde Min / N.A.S.A.

22. I Can Love You Only If You Don't Love Me (Original Mix)

23. Highway One / The Flashbulb

24. Over The Horizon Radar (Helios Remix) / Boards Of Canada

25. Future Passed / Cydelix

26. Suspended in a sunbeam / Benn Jordan

Direct download: 05120-20Royce204020Renaissance20with20Chris20Psyraver2028Voiceover29.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:52am AEDT
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