Repose Podcast

Regular background music

Repose 030 - retrospective

1. Bless This Morning Year / Helios 

2. Space Corridor / Subheim

3. Pandora / Swarms

4. The Littlest Computer / Hibernation

5. Borrowing The Past / Rhian Sheehan

6. Berlin - Moscow / Schiller 

7. Memory Shell (Mindgames Festival Live version) / AES Dana

8. Somewhere in Russia / Carbon Based Lifeforms

9. See In You / The Album Leaf

10. Stereogram / Tripswitch 

11. A New Day (Pitch Black Remix) / Laya Project 

12. life is all about taking things in and putting things in / telefon tel aviv

Direct download: 030_-_retrospective.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:33am AEDT
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